ECTS stands for European Credit Transfer System (in danish; ECTS points) and is a method of measuring your study programme as academic currency.


mindestens 42 ECTS Credits aus den Modulgruppen «Vergleichende Sprachgeschichte» und/oder «Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft» (darunter mindestens 18 ECTS Credits aus Wahlpflichtmodulen) weitere 18 ECTS Credits nach freier Wahl innerhalb des Programms zu erwerben.

Typically 1  Sehr gut. Gut. Befriedigend. Ausereichend. Nicht ausreichend. 1.0 - 1.5. 1.6 - 2.5.

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Der standardmäßige Zwei-Jahres-Master bringt dir 120 Credits, doch es gibt auch Möglichkeiten, 1-Jahres-Master mit nur 60 oder 90 Leistungspunkten zu absolvieren. ECTS in Stunden Die ECTS-Punkte, die einer bestimmten Lehrveranstaltung zugeordnet werden, zeigen dir, wie viel Arbeitsaufwand du einplanen solltest. 1 Leistungspunkt entspricht dabei ca. 25-30 Stunden Arbeit. The ECTS credit system’s excellence is that it makes a degree more worthy, so it is accepted worldwide.

2 ECTS = 1 UofSC Credit : Israel : Hebrew University: Local Credits : 1 : 1 Credit = 1 UofSC Credit : Italy : American University of Rome : US Credits : 1 : 1 Credit

Duration: 3 semesters. Credits: 90 ECTS.

The regular duration for a full-time Master's programme varies from 1,5 years – 90 ECTS credits to 2 years – 120 ECTS credits. Some of the degree programmes  

90 ects credits

Accordingly, 1 ECTS credit equals 30 hours of study. 1 crédit = 25 à 30 heures de travail. Prenons un exemple : si vous êtes à l’université et que vous réussissez vos partiels, vous obtiendrez vos crédits ECTS (30 crédits ECTS par semestre validé). Pour valider 60 crédits ECTS, vous devez donc valider une année d’études supérieures. 60 ECTS credits technical courses on advanced level. 30 ECTS credits in Swedish courses (A1, A2, B1 and B1/B2) 30 ECTS credit Degree project on advanced level.

2.6 - 3.5.
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90 ects credits

Students have the opportunity to finish an internship of up to 15 ECTS. Term structure . Full-time study includes 30 ECTS credits per term. Explanation of the ECTS System that allow European students to study in one university abroad while continuing with their studies in the home university gramme, 120 ECTS credits, are as follows: Registered Nurse licensed to practice in Swe-den, Diploma in General Nursing, Diploma in District Nursing with certification to pre-scribe pharmaceuticals (75 ECTS credits) or corresponding and Nursing 90 ECTS credits, with a minimum of 30 ECTS credits on C level. Furthermore, at least two years Final credit transfer All passed courses and ECTS credits must subsequently be transferred to the study programme.

17 Oct 2019 Each degree is obtained by acquiring ECTS (European Credit the high rate of student's job insertion: 80% to 90% of Master's graduates find  HES⁠-⁠SO propose des Bachelors à 180 ECTS et des Masters à 90 et 120 ECTS. La HES⁠-⁠SO applique le Guide d'utilisation ECTS pour l'octroi des crédits et la norme suisse quant au volume de travail pour un ECTS (25 à 30 heu It generally takes one and a half years (90 ECTS credits) or two years (120 ECTS credits) to complete. Students may be admitted to the programme if they hold a  The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is used across Europe for credit transfer between institutions of higher education. This helps  Un «diplôme de premier cycle» (licence) se compose de 180 ou 240 crédits ECTS.
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Explanation of the ECTS System that allow European students to study in one university abroad while continuing with their studies in the home university

Of those 90 ECTS credits, at least 15 ECTS credits shall have been acquired at second-cycle level within the specialization or an equivalent  Inorganic and organic chemistry, 9 ECTS credits), and/or knowledge Sixty out of the 90 course credits must be accumulated from courses  The applicant must hold the minimum of a Bachelor's degree (i.e the equivalent of 180 ECTS credits at an accredited university) with at least 90 ECTS credits in  Minimum 90 ECTS credits in Computer Science, System Science, Software Engineering,. Computer Engineering or other similar, where of a minimum of 15  Behörighet, The applicant must hold the minimum of a Bachelors degree (i.e the equivalent of 180 ECTS credits at an accredited university) with at least 90  Master of Science (120 credits) with a major in Occupational Therapy Distans. Jönköping University. Lägg till jämförelse.

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(ECTS) is a tool of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) for to bring transparency, competiveness and mobility to higher education across Europe. ECTS is adopted as the national credit system in most countries of the EHEA. 1.2. ECTS is based on the principle that 60 ECTS credits are equivalent to the

Some of the degree programmes   18 mois dont 4 à 6 mois de stage (90 crédits ECTS). Enseigné en anglais.

1 credit = 2 ECTS (10 credit module = 20 ECTS) University of Toronto 0.5 FCE = 6 ECTS (1 credit module = 12 ECTS) Waterloo University 0.5 credits = 6 ECTS (2.5 credits = 30 ECTS) CHINA Beihang University Tsinghua University Peking University 1 credit = 2 ECTS University of Nottingham Ningbo 10 credits = 5 ECTS (60 credits = 30 ECTS)

For student work placements, ECTS may also be used to identify learning outcomes during a placement. The rough equivalent of 5 ECTS credits is 2.5 American credits. We therefore advise to transfer credits along a 2:1 ratio.

WHO WE ARE? Sari, Virva, Joni, Leena and Ville. One Taiwanese credit corresponds to 2 ECTS. One completed course, therefore, most often converts to 4 – 6 ECTS credits depending on the total workload. When transferring credits, students should also take into account the work and time required for self-study, exercises, group work, preparing for quizzes and exams and the quizzes and exams themselves. 2017-01-05 ECTS credit points: 3 ECTS credits . Full Record.